%0 Journal Article %T Una questione discussa: "transitus" di un fedele orientale da una Chiesa orientale sui iuri alla Chiesa latina %A Cyril Vasil' %A prof. ICDr. %A PhD. %J E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty %@ 1338-1350 %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10154-010-0001-y %X The study explains church canon law topic regarding transitions out of the Eastern Church to the Latin Church. It contributes to the debate in which opinions differ regarding the interpretation of CCEO can. 32, ¡ì 2 and can. CIC 112 ¡ì 1,1 ¡ã. The current practice of the Congregation for Eastern Churches assumes that the transfer of the Eastern Church faithful to the Latin Church needs the authorization of the Holy See. Nevertheless, some canonists support the idea that the Code CCEO kan. 32, ¡ì 2 allows the "transfer" of the faithful of Eastern Churches sui iuris to the Latin Church. Mutual complementarity of these two standards seeks to cover all the possible transitions out of one Church sui iuris to the second. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/7567tuh696w27482/?p=dcb2979b0b4146d4a54c0137d7c0ede1&pi=0