%0 Journal Article %T The account of the TEACH Project: halfway through the journey to profession, professionalism, and professionalisation %A Ewa Przybylska %J Studies for the Learning Society %@ 1736-7107 %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10240-012-0020-3 %X The article summarizes the two-year project TEACH - Teaching Adult Educators in Continuing and Higher Education - realized with thanks to the financial support of the European Commission within the framework of the So-creates/Grundtvig 1 Programme. Participating partners were: Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toru¨˝ as the leader of the consortium, the European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA), the University of Bielefeld, dvv international as the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association, the University of P¨¦cs, Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas, the Polish Association for Adult Education Regional Branch in Szczecin (TWP), A.I. Cuza University of Iasi, New Bulgarian University of Sofia, Bogazici University of Instanbul, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL), the University of Stirling. As a result of the TEACH Project a threestage framework for university courses in line with the European BA/MA model was developed: an element (module) to be contained in a first vocational Bachelor of Education degree; a framework of modules for a second, professional Master of Adult Education degree; a modular postgraduate European Master of adult education programme incorporating the European dimension of adult education, to expand the Master of Adult Education into a European Master of Adult Education. In the context of the Project realization, the author treats the present situation in the field of education of adult educators in Europe. %K Profession %K Professionalism %K Professionalisation %K Project TEACH %K Bologna Process %K Adult Education %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/f26m82167r375rk2/?p=e1b8cd8d03ee4338ba27214c6298e9ee&pi=7