%0 Journal Article %T Klimat Lokalny Konina w Nawi zaniu do Stosunk¨®w Termiczno-Wilgotno ciowych w Sezonie Letnim 2005 %A Bartosz Kie basa %J Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10116-009-0008-y %X The study aimed to analyse the meso- and microclimatic diel variation of Old and New Konin. Konin is a city located in the eastern part of the Wielkopolska (Great Poland) in central Poland. Increasing human impact in the Lignite Open-cast District of Konin caused changes in climate conditions. Man-made changes in the environment were brought about by industralization and urbanization. The local climate was modified very considerably by many factories. The city absorbed more and more adjacent villages and moved further and continually further from its historical center because of a rapid populations growth. At present, the municipal area is 82 square kilometers. The paper contains the results of topoclimatic and microclimatic measurements taken in the period from 24 June to - 21 September 2005 (with a pause) in Old and New Konin. Temperature and relative humidity were measured using the Assmann's aspirational Psychrometer on ten research sites: 1 - house; 2 - lake; 3 - forest; 4 - scarp; 5 - PKP; 6 - track; 7 - square; 8 - town hall; 9 - park; 10 - church; three times a day: at 7.00 - 9.00 a.m., 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. and 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. on two levels: 5 and 150 centimeter above ground. A half of ten research sites were located in Old Konin (track, square, town hall, park, church), the rest in New Konin. The analysis of average temperatures, that were calculated for all ten research sites direct at the ground, shows thermal contrast between Old and New Konin. Temperature in the morning in the old part of the city was higher by about 0.4ˇăC than in New Konin, at midday 0.3ˇăC. The contrast was especially visible in the evening (0.7ˇăC) at 5 centimeter above ground. Likewise temperatures formed on 150 centimetre above ground (contrast in the morning 0.3ˇăC, at midday 0.1ˇăC and in the evening 0.3ˇăC). Old Konin is located in the River Warta valley, which warms up very fast. Cool air accumulated in this lowering in the evening (inversion disintegration of temperature). The analysis of diel variation in relative humidity at a particular measurement point shows that humidity is closely related to air temperature. Average humidity was very high at night in gathering of trees (research sites number 4 and 9) and equaleds or exceededs 80%, whereas around noon and at night oscillated around the value of 60-70% in square and near town hall. Both of these two research points were located on flagstone. A small reservoir near research site lake didn't influence on the changes of temperature and humidity in the neighbourhood because it became overgrown. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/v8815687u6477132/?p=05b37400230b4aacbcd2c48d026c872a&pi=7