%0 Journal Article %T Swoisto bytu ludzkiego wed ug pogl d¨®w Jos¨¦ Ortegi y Gasseta %A Krzysztof Polit %J Annales UMCS, SECTIO I Philosophia - Sociologia %D 2011 %I %R 10.2478/v10225-012-0008-3 %X Jos¨¦ Ortega y Gasset created an original philosophy of a human being confronted with the ancient conviction that rationalism guides humanity. The Spanish thinker was convinced of the fact that memory and imagination are the two main factors that differentiate the human existence from the very similar existence of animals. With the help of his memory and imagination a human being is able to create his inner world that may have nothing in common with his environment and by them to isolate himself from the latter one. This possibility to dissociate himself from the world and to sink into himself helps a human being to modify his existence constantly, so his existence is not given to him, but created by him. %K existence %K existence of animals %K existence of a human %K technique %K philosophy of a human being %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/t5g54601r63244nj/?p=5936c724fe2a4075b491ef0e77baa262&pi=7