%0 Journal Article %T A Statistical Analysis of Dividend in Chosen Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange %A Ma gorzata uniewska %A Ph.D. %J Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia %@ 1898-0198 %D 2007 %I %R 10.2478/v10031-007-0013-4 %X The capital market appeared in Poland relatively not far ago, so it is the young market and is not shaped well. Although, the development rate does not satisfy all the believers of the capital market, it should be emphasized that this market is functioning and is developing. Market indicators are a significant element of the market analysis performed by means of fundamental analysis. The aim of this article is to study the statistic regularity in the scope of indicators connected with a dividend. In Poland dividend is not discussed often and indicators connected with dividend are practically not used in stock analysis. This study will show the usefulness of these measures in the analysis connected with investment on the stock exchange market. The analyses are conducted for some dividend variables on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (dividend rate of return and pay indicators, stopping and re-investment). The analyses concern data in the period of 2000¡Â2006. Some statistical parameters to detect statistical regularity for dividend rate of return and pay indicators, stopping and re-investment on the Warsaw Stock Exchange are used in the paper. The author tried to analyse the relation between selected variables too. The study should make it possible to decide if measures such as dividend rate of return and pay indicators, stopping and re-investment are unquestionably important and useful in stock analysis. It is particularly important from the point of view of long-term investment, as well as the fundamental analysis. They should be included in the group of market indicators in case of statistically significant influence of measures connected with a dividend on investment profitability. This leads to the possibility of significant growth of an investment that can turn out profitable on the capital market. %K dividend %K capital market %K Warsaw Stock Exchange %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/j3v3u87724wj3647/?p=0fab0767d9d3441780e640f8aa8a5add&pi=6