%0 Journal Article %T Le probl¨¨me Arabes Choa ¨C Kotoko au Cameroun : Essai d'analyse r¨¦trospective ¨¤ partir des affrontements de janvier 1992 %A Antoine Socpa %J African Anthropologist %D 2002 %I %X The tribal diversity of Cameroon (at least 200 ethnic groups) represents a perpetual hindrance for social cohesion in the country. Behind the veil of well-shaped political speeches issuing unity and national integration, confrontations between tribal communities are taking place imperturbably. Since late 70 ties, Arabs Choa and Kotoko of the Logone and Chari division are exterminating each other in unprecedented tribal clashes in collusion with political ities. This item attempts to point out causes of tribal exclusion which as become more effective since the advent of multiparty system in Cameroon (1990). (African Anthropologist: 2002 9(1): 66-83) %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/aa/article/view/23071