%0 Journal Article %T Genotype by environment interaction of advanced generation soybean lines for grain yield in Uganda. %A P Tukamuhabwa %A M Asiimwe %A M Nabasirye %A P Kabayi %A M Maphosa %J African Crop Science Journal %D 2012 %I %X Grain soybean (Glycine max L.) is the primary source of vegetable protein for food and feed supplements, and accounts for much of the world¡¯s oil supply. In most parts of Africa, soybean production potential is yet to be realised largely due to lack of improved varieties. Uganda¡¯s soybean breeding programme has been actively involved in developing varieties to meet the needs of farmers in different parts of the country. This study was, conducted to determine the adaptation of new advanced generation soybean lines to identify high yielding stable lines, the most ideal testing environment and to determine the presence of soybean production mega environments in the country. Twenty one advanced generation soybean lines and three standard check varieties were evaluated in five sites and three consecutive rainy seasons. Results of AMMI analysis indicated the presence of a scale genotype-by-environment interaction for soybean grain yield. Through AMMI estimates and GGE visual assessment, BSPS48A was the highest yielding genotype in the most discriminating and stable environment, Nakabango. BSPS48A was, therefore, recommended for release subject to evaluation for commercial value. From the environmental focusing plot, the five multi-locations tested were grouped into two putative mega environments for soybean production. Key Words: AMMI, genotype, GGE, Glycine max Le grain de soja (Glycine max L.) est une importante source de prot¨¦ine v¨¦g¨¦tale comme suppl¨¦ment alimentaire, l¡¯alimentation du b¨¦tail et produit une grande partie d¡¯huile fournie au monde. Dans plusieurs contr¨¦es d¡¯Afrique, la production potentielle du soja est pourtant affect¨¦e par le manque des vari¨¦t¨¦s am¨¦lior¨¦es. Le programme ugandais d¡¯am¨¦lioration du soja a ¨¦t¨¦ activement impliqu¨¦ dans le d¨¦veloppement des vari¨¦t¨¦s afin de r¨¦pondre aux besoins des fermiers de diff¨¦rentes parties du pays. Cette ¨¦tude ¨¦tait conduite dans le but de d¨¦terminer l¡¯adaptation des nouvelles lign¨¦es de g¨¦n¨¦rations avanc¨¦es du soja pour identifier des lign¨¦es stables ¨¤ haut rendement, l¡¯environnement le plus id¨¦al pour ce test et, d¨¦terminer la pr¨¦sence des m¨¦ga environnement dans le pays. Vingt et une lign¨¦es de g¨¦n¨¦rations avanc¨¦es de soja et trois vari¨¦t¨¦s t¨¦moins ¨¦taient ¨¦valu¨¦es dans cinq sites en trois saisons cons¨¦cutives de pluie. Les r¨¦sultats d¡¯analyse AMMI ont indiqu¨¦ la pr¨¦sence d¡¯une ¨¦chelle d¡¯interaction g¨¦notype-environnement pour le rendement en grain du soja. A travers AMMI estim¨¦ et l¡¯¨¦valuation visuelle de GGE, BSPS48A ¨¦tait le g¨¦notype ¨¤ rendement le plus ¨¦lev¨¦ dans laplupart d¡¯environnement jug¨¦s stables, Nakabango. BSPS48A ¨¦tait, de ce fait r¨¦commend¨¦ pour une ¨¦valuation de la valeur commercial. Bas¨¦ sur les diff¨¦rents environnements, les cinq multi-localisations test¨¦es ¨¦taient group¨¦es en deux m¨¦ga environnements reconnus pour la production du soja. Mots Cl¨¦s: AMMI, g¨¦notype, GGE, Glycine max %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/acsj/article/view/79791