%0 Journal Article %T Pathophysiology, Functional Implications and Management of Spasticity in Stroke ¨C A Review %A CO Akosile %A AA Fabunmi %J African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences %D 2011 %I %X The management of spasticity in stroke requires a multidisciplinary approach but more importantly, an understanding of the pathophysiology of its consequences. This paper reviews different definitions from neurophysiology and medical literature which try to place spasticity in stroke in its proper context and describes the current understanding of its pathophysiology and resultant functional implications. It also highlights the current medical, surgical and physical therapy available for its management. It seems spasticity in stroke is best managed using a combination of physiotherapy and Botulinum Toxin- Type A injection, as this is the current trend in research and practice. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajprs/article/view/69460