%0 Journal Article %T Opinion of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on Ethical Issues in the Practice of In-Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Transfer in Nigeria %A RA Ajayi %A OJ Dibosa-Osadolor %J African Journal of Reproductive Health %D 2013 %I Women's Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC) %X The objective of this study was to bring ethical issues in the practice of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) in Nigeria to the fore, to determine and articulate the views of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on treatment modalities and to drive regulation of this specialised field. A plenary session was organised by The Bridge Clinic at the 2010 Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) annual general meeting. Participants self-administered a 33-point questionnaire on their views on ethical issues in IVF. The results buttress the conclusions of an earlier publication, clearly indicating that even amongst specialised medical professionals; there are varying views which really cannot be challenged as being either right or wrong as they represent the individuals¡¯ position and his culture. Within the context of our society, ethics and morality especially as they affect patient care can and must be hinged on a code or framework which should be developed, implemented and its implementation monitored by a legally bound regulatory body for the protection of the rights and safety of our patients, their unborn children and for the integrity of our health care systems. R¨¦sum¨¦ L'objectif de cette ¨¦tude ¨¦tait de mettre en ¨¦vidence les questions ¨¦thiques dans la pratique de la f¨¦condation in vitro (FIV) au Nig¨¦ria afin de d¨¦terminer et d¡¯exprimer les avis des gyn¨¦cologues sur les modalit¨¦s du traitement et de conduire la r¨¦glementation de ce domaine sp¨¦cialis¨¦. Une s¨¦ance pl¨¦ni¨¨re a ¨¦t¨¦ coordonn¨¦e par Bridge Clinique au cours de l¡¯assembl¨¦e g¨¦n¨¦rale annuelle de SOGON 2012 et les participants ont rempli un questionnaire auto-administr¨¦ contenant 33 points sur leurs points de vue sur les questions ¨¦thiques concernant la FIV. Les r¨¦sultats ont soutenu les conclusions d'une publication ant¨¦rieure, prouvant clairement que, m¨ºme parmi les professionnels m¨¦dicaux sp¨¦cialis¨¦s, il existe de diff¨¦rents points de vue qui ne peuvent vraiment pas ¨ºtre contest¨¦s comme ¨¦tant soit corrects ou faux, car ils repr¨¦sentent la position de l¡¯individu et sa culture. Dans le contexte de notre soci¨¦t¨¦, l'¨¦thique et la moralit¨¦, surtout quand cela touchent aux soins des patients, peuvent et doivent ¨ºtre articul¨¦es sur un code ou un cadre qui devrait ¨ºtre ¨¦labor¨¦, mis en application et son application doit ¨ºtre contr l¨¦e par un organisme l¨¦galement r¨¦glementaire pour la protection des droits et la s¨¦curit¨¦ de nos patientes, de leurs enfants ¨¤ na tre et pour l'int¨¦grit¨¦ de nos syst¨¨mes de soins de sant¨¦. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajrh/article/view/86440