%0 Journal Article %T Physiotherapy Education: Global Trends, Perspectives and Future Direction %A AY Oyeyemi %J African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences %D 2011 %I %X The advances in technology and the recent transformation in global communication, which are increasingly reducing the spatial limitation in education, have influenced perspectives on how education is delivered. This paper presents a global trend in higher education with particular reference to education and training in physiotherapy and other health professions. It outlines the variables and models of education, the competencies in allied health and medical education and also discusses the relevance and resource needs to internationalize physiotherapy education in Nigeria. Instituting transnational education in Nigeria will require improvements in electronic pedagogical infrastructure and learning resources and curriculum enhancements, and may also require contributions from Nigerians in the Diaspora. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajprs/article/view/69459