%0 Journal Article %T Effective Information Provision as a Panacea for The Resolution Of Conflict In Autonomous Communities: A Case Study Of Amiyi Akah Community %A GC Umunnakwe %J Information Manager (The) %D 2009 %I %X The paper studied the Amiyi Akah Community, a village in Umuaka Autonomous Community in Njaba Local Government area of Imo State, Nigeria. The paper adopted a survey method and used questionnaire complemented with unstructured interviews and observation to elicit the desired responses. In all, the target population was 10% of the entire population. Since it runs in thousands only 1480 were used. Data collected were analyzed using tables and graphic representations. In conclusion, it was observed that autonomous community creation is a welcome venture if the government would strictly stipulate guideline be used in Ezeship election of which has been the major source of conflict. Communities should work towards establishing rural libraries and information centres to help in keeping the populace educated and informed on the on-goings in the society. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/tim/article/view/63660