%0 Journal Article %T Anthropogenic Activities Threatening the Management of Ecotourism Resources in Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria %A SO Oladeji %A EA Agbelusi %A R Trevelyan %J Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management %D 2012 %I %X Abundant fauna and flora resources in Nigeria are being threatened due to the increasing rate of anthropogenic activities across the protected areas in the country. This study examined anthropogenic activities threatening the natural resources considered to be of ecotourism value in Old Oyo National Park. Primary data were collected through administration of a set of questionnaire on the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result of the analysis showed that human activities had negative impacts on the Park resources. Recommendations were made on the need to engage in aggressive afforestation, conservation education and provision of fund to support sustainable livelihood practices. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ejesm/article/view/74191