%0 Journal Article %T Community Based Health Insurance Knowledge and Willingness to Pay; A Survey of a Rural Community in North Central Zone of Nigeria %A ME Banwat %A HA Agbo %A Z Hassan %A S Lassa %A IA Osagie %A JU Ozoilo %A C Ogbonna %J Jos Journal of Medicine %D 2012 %I %X Introduction: A Community-Based Health Insurance Scheme (CBHI) is any program managed and operated by a community-based organization that provides resource pooling and risk-sharing to cover the costs of health care services. CBHI reduces out of pocket expenditure and is the most appropriate insurance model for rural areas where incomes are unstable. The recent ''health care crisis'' has led to the emergence of many CBHI in developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to explore the knowledge of and Willingness to pay for CBHI in a rural community in Plateau State. Methods: Using multi-stage sampling technique, 450 adult subjects were recruited for the study. Data was gotten from them using an interviewer administered structured questionnaire and was analyzed using EPI-info statistical software version 3.5.2. Chi-square test was used to show relationship between demographic features and outcome variables. Results: Seventy one percent of respondents had a good knowledge of CBHI was l (28.7%) with the mass media being their main source of information (53.3%). About 91.5% of subjects are not members of any health scheme while 93.6% percent were willing to pay into a CBHI scheme. Thrift collection was the preferred method of financing the social insurance scheme in the community. Knowledge on CBHI and Willingness to pay was higher in more educated, single subjects. Conclusion: Knowledge of CBHI was low among the studied populace although the willingness to pay was encouragingly high. This willingness needs to be promptly harnessed by Community leaders and health workers to improve access to Health Care by the vulnerable rural populace. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jjm/article/view/78884