%0 Journal Article %T The effect of womenĄŻs care-giving role on their social security rights %A K Malherbe %A L Wakefield %J Law, Democracy & Development %D 2009 %I University of the Western Cape %X Kitty Malherbe and Lorenzo Wakefield show how roles traditionally allotted to women may obstruct their access to the right to social security. There are instances where womenĄŻs care-giving role provides them with benefits they otherwise would not have had, such as child support grants. On the other hand, care-giving can exclude women from the application of other benefits, such as certain retirement funds. The authors examine the need for measures aimed at providing assistance to women as care-givers as well as the potential pitfalls of such measures, such as the danger of stereotyping women as care-givers. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ldd/article/view/66855