%0 Journal Article %T Ethical Practices For Effective Leadership: Fact Or Fallacy-The Kenyan Experience %A D Minja %J KCA Journal of Business Management %D 2009 %I KCA University %X The subject of ethics in Kenya has been a hot one for the last few years. The country has witnessed some of the worst corruption scandals in her history since independence. Even with the establishment of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, the situation has not improved. This article tries to argue that laws alone cannot ¡®convert¡¯ the society that has developed and perfected the art of unethical practices. A new way of thinking is necessary that will involve and empower everyone to start thinking and behaving in an ethical way. I have in this article developed a model which can be used to transform societies. Several recommendations applicable not only to the Kenyan society but any other society that desires to transform its people into ethically responsible people has been made. Among the main recommendations is the adoption of a systemic approach to dealing with unethical practices as opposed to only a legalistic approach. In addition, the work of transformation begins with leaders who in turn mentor others to produce the desired behaviour. Hiring a person responsible for overseeing issues of ethics won¡¯t do the job until everyone is involved. It is for that reason that I have adopted the systems approach in handling this challenge. The adoption of the proposed model will offer assistance to those who desire to influence their societies to be ethically responsible. In the light of this argument, ethical leadership can be a fact and not a fallacy. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/kjbm/article/view/44407