%0 Journal Article %T Effects of Aqueous Extract of Kola Nut (Cola Nitida Rubra) on Reproductive Hormones in Rats %A WA Adisa %A HO Otamere %A CU Osifo %A OB Idonije %A EO Nwoke %J Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences %D 2010 %I Physiological Society of Nigeria %X Our previous study suggests that aqueous extract of kola nut had effect on reproductive hormones in male rats. This study evaluates the effects of kola nut extract on plasma level of testosterone and luteinizing hormones in male rats. 30 adult male rats were used. These were divided into three groups: group A served as control and it received water only, group B and C received kola nut extract only (8mg/kg body weight), C served as recovery group. All the groups were treated for four weeks. The C which served as recovery group was allowed to recover for another four weeks at the end of the extract administration period. The plasma level of testosterone was significantly increased (p<0.05) while that of luteinizing hormone was significantly decreased (p<0.05) when compared with control animals. The recovery group showed values that were insignificantly lowered but a bit closer to those of the control animals. This showed that the rats were able to recover to some extent after the extract administration. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/njps/article/view/84640