%0 Journal Article %T Effect of Melatonin and Caffeine Interaction on Caffeine Induced Oxidative Stress and Sleep Disorders %A GO Obochi %A OOE Amali %A DO Ochalefu %J Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences %D 2010 %I Physiological Society of Nigeria %X Summary: Effect of interaction of melatonin and caffeine on caffeine induced oxidative stress and sleep disorders was studied. Fifteen wistar rats were randomly assigned into three study groups. The animals in group 1 (the control) received a placebo of 10.0 ml distilled water via gastric intubation. The hosts in groups 2 and 3 were treated with 100 mg caffeine/ kg, or melatonin/ kg, respectively, in a total volume of 10.0 ml vehicle. The experiment lasted for 30 days. One day after the final exposure, the animals were euthanized by inhalation of overdose of chloroform. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture. Serum was obtained by centrifugation (6000 Xg, 30 mins), and used for serum total protein and serum blood urea nitrogen levels. The brain of each rat was also harvested and processed into whole homogenate, frozen in liquid nitrogen (N2), and maintained at -80ˇăC until used for total brain cholesterol and tryptophan levels. The results showed that interaction of melatonin and caffeine enhanced protein synthesis; stimulated gonadotrophin release, and could be used as oral contraceptive for women, and may be beneficial in the treatment of impotence (androgen depression), leading to improved reproductive and sex life; stimulated tryptophan metabolism, which prevents vitamin B6 deficiency, anemia, negative nitrogen balance, tissue wasting and accumulation of xanthurenic acid, which promotes sleep; and could be beneficial in the treatment of hyper cholesterolemia, thereby preventing coronary heart disease, and post menopausal osteoporosis. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/njps/article/view/84573