%0 Journal Article %T A Survey of Wood Protection Chemicals, Tree Killers and Sprayers in Agrochemical Stores within Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria %A SIN Agera %A FS Agbidye %A JI Amonum %J Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment %D 2011 %I %X There is dearth of information on the variety and action spectrum of most agro-chemicals used in wood protection (preservation) within Makurdi metropolis. A purposive, non-random sampling was undertaken in Makurdi metropolis to identify wood protection chemicals/tree-killers available in agrochemical stores, to document the active ingredients and prices of the chemicals as well as the types and prices of sprayers obtainable in the stores. A total of thirty -two contact and systemic agrochemicals were identified. The chemical preservatives severally had single or multiple avicidal, herbicjdal, insecticidal, nematicidal or rodenticidal effects. The selling prices of the wood protection chemicals ranged from N1200 to N2000 per litre for Cyberforce and Daksh respectively. One kilogramme of the granular/wettable powders of the preservatives sold at between N600 to N10, 000 for Furadan and Commando, respectively. Twenty types of sprayers were documented. Prices of sprayers ranged from N300 (for the handy sprayer) to N120, 000 (for the motorised Swan sprayer). Prices of both sprayers and inorganic wood preservatives varied seasonally from 0-20% during the dry and wet seasons, with prices being generally higher during the rainy season. Selection of chemicals for use in wood preservation should necessarily be preceded by risk assessments concerning the physical and biological environmental effects of the chemicals on land, water, atmosphere, humans and non-target flora and fauna populations. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jrfwe/article/view/80315