%0 Journal Article %T Inventory and Economic Evaluation of Seedling Species in Ornamental /Forest Nursery Enterprises in Makurdi Metropolis %A NT Tee %A I Labo %J Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment %D 2010 %I %X This study was carried out to ascertain the seedling species diversity of ornamental/forest nursery enterprises and their socio-economic contribution to people's livelihood in Makurdi metropolis. The study adopted survey method to generate data. This was accomplished through questionnaire administration and interviews with respondents. Descriptive statistics were utilized in analyzing the socio-economic variables, while Gross Income (GI), Net Income (NI), and Rate of Return on Investment (RORI) were adapted for economic analysis. The result revealed that twenty (20) different seedling species were available from the Ten (10) Ornamental/Forest Nursery enterprises in Makurdi metropolis. Yellow bush, Ixora, Oil palm, Royal palm, Golden palm, and Masquerade tree were most prevalent while Teak, Gmalina, and Pawpaw were less prevalent. The socio-economic contributions of these enterprises to the people included source of income, employment and revenue generation to government. The RORI of the enterprises varies between 16.9% and 76.9% and Net Income between N36 250 and N900 000 implying that the business is lucrative. About 198 persons are employed in these enterprises. Other benefits were environmental protection, beautification and decorative services. The study recommended that nursery operators should expand their production frontiers and particularly of the native seedling species, which were undersupplied. This will improve their profit margins and also create more employments for the people; the environment will also be protected. The study further recommended that the populace be encouraged towards increased involvement in the establishment of more nursery enterprises and tree planting. %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jrfwe/article/view/82377