%0 Journal Article %T Stress Management By Library And Information Science Professionals In Nigerian University Libraries %A AA Lemu %J Samaru Journal of Information Studies %D 2007 %I %X Job stress is an uncomfortable condition resulting from a person's interpretation to threatening events or circumstances. It exists in almost every working and living environments. The study used survey method of research and selected samples from professional librarians working in Nigerian university libraries. It was established by the study that stress in Nigerian university libraries is a reality. But the study has not been able to establish any serious consequences of stress on the job performance of the librarians. The study concluded that stress in Nigerian university libraries is the byproduct of the difficulties encountered by the librarians in performing their duties and responsibilities. However, to reduce stress the work processes in library should be made simple and easy to handle. Library management should support the librarians by designing work processes that could help the librarians to overcome their frustrations and stress. Samaru Journal of Information Studies Vol. 7 (2) 2007: pp. 5-11 %U http://www.ajol.info/index.php/sjis/article/view/40602