%0 Journal Article %T Labeling Emotions in Suicide Notes: Cost-Sensitive Learning with Heterogeneous Features %A Jonathon Read %A Erik Velldal and Lilja vrelid %J Biomedical Informatics Insights %D 2012 %I %R 10.4137/BII.S8930 %X This paper describes a system developed for Track 2 of the 2011 Medical NLP Challenge on identifying emotions in suicide notes. Our approach involves learning a collection of one-versus-all classifiers, each deciding whether or not a particular label should be assigned to a given sentence. We explore a variety of features types¡ªsyntactic, semantic and surface-oriented. Cost-sensitive learning is used for dealing with the issue of class imbalance in the data. %U http://www.la-press.com/labeling-emotions-in-suicide-notes-cost-sensitive-learning-with-hetero-article-a3025