%0 Journal Article %T The feasibility of using conversational agent technology to improve problem-solving and coping skills of young adults with cancer %A von Friederichs-Fitzwater M %A Meyers FJ %J Clinical Oncology in Adolescents and Young Adults %D 2011 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S15940 %X sibility of using conversational agent technology to improve problem-solving and coping skills of young adults with cancer Original Research (1386) Total Article Views Authors: von Friederichs-Fitzwater M, Meyers FJ Published Date April 2011 Volume 2011:1 Pages 1 - 8 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S15940 Marlene M von Friederichs-Fitzwater1, Frederick J Meyers2 1Division of Hematology/Oncology, Internal Medicine, 2School of Medicine, University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA Objective: Young adults with cancer have unique psychosocial needs and often lack the problem-solving and coping skills for effective resolution. We conducted a study to clarify these needs and then developed and tested an educational intervention to coach young adults with cancer in problem-solving and coping skills using a new conversational agent technology that uses a multi-media format to simulate face-to-face encounters. Methods: We qualitatively assessed online focus groups and chat rooms with 45 young adults with cancer and used the results to develop and test an online 15-minute educational prototype using a new conversational agent technology with 49 young adults (18¨C35 years of age) with cancer. Results: Young adults with cancer are most concerned about reproductive issues, emotional issues, communicating with healthcare providers, and the risks and benefits of treatments. The study participants found the I-COPE prototype to be useful, easy to use, and worth recommending to others. They wanted to have more video segments about the experiences of other young adults with cancer; more video segments of actual procedures and treatments; more Internet links to information and resources; and more opportunities to interact with the conversational agent. Conclusion: New conversational agent technology is useful in coaching problem-solving and coping skills to empower young adults with cancer. Practice implications: New conversational agent technology is a useful tool in patient education and skill development, particularly among young adults. %K young adult cancer patients %K conversational agent technology %K problem-solving %K coping %K self-efficacy %K survivorship %U https://www.dovepress.com/the-feasibility-of-using-conversational-agent-technology-to-improve-pr-peer-reviewed-article-COAYA