%0 Journal Article %T Editorial %A Kieran MW %J Clinical Oncology in Adolescents and Young Adults %D 2011 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S20417 %X Editorial Editorial (1388) Total Article Views Authors: Kieran MW Published Date April 2011 Volume 2011:1 Pages 9 - 10 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S20417 Mark Kieran Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA Rapid advances in the molecular characterization of cancer have resulted in new approaches to treatment. For greatest impact, targeted agents, in combination with traditional therapies, will need to be tested in each age group and for each disease. Adolescents and young adults are being recognized as a distinct group of patients that unfortunately are under-represented in formal clinical trials and new treatment assessments. The reason for this are multiple and include the lack of insurance coverage for many as they transition to independence from their parents, the sense of invincibility that many young adults feel, the types of tumors observed in these patients, and the lack of coordinated clinical trial consortiums for this age group. Post to: Cannotea Citeulike Del.icio.us Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Readers of this article also read: Role of aliskiren in cardio-renal protection and use in hypertensives with multiple risk factors Berberine: metabolic and cardiovascular effects in preclinical and clinical trials Prolonged rupture of membranes in term infants: should all babies be screened? Amino acid-responsive Crohn's disease: a case study New treatment options for nonmetastatic osteosarcoma: focus on mifamurtide in adolescents What is a pediatric tumor? Current and emerging treatment options for Peyronie's disease Outpatient chemotherapy, family-centered care, electronic information, and education in adolescents and young adults with osteosarcoma Fixed-dose combinations at the front line of multimodal pain management: perspective of the nurse-prescriber Assessment of psychosocial outcomes in adolescents and young adults with cancer: a systematic review of available instruments %K Editorial Editorial (1388) Total Article Views Authors: Kieran MW Published Date April 2011 Volume 2011:1 Pages 9 - 10 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/COAYA.S20417 Mark Kieran Dana-Farber Cancer Institute %K Boston %K MA %K USA Rapid advances in the molecular characterization of cancer have resulted in new approaches to treatment. For greatest impact %K targeted agents %K in combination with traditional therapies %K will need to be tested in each age group and for each disease. Adolescents and young adults a %U https://www.dovepress.com/editorial-rapid-advances-in-the-molecular-characterization-peer-reviewed-article-COAYA