%0 Journal Article %T Appropriateness of administration of nasogastric medication and preliminary intervention %A Zhu LL %A Xu LC %A Wang HQ %A Jin JF %A Wang HF %A Zhou Q %J Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management %D 2012 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S37785 %X ppropriateness of administration of nasogastric medication and preliminary intervention Short Report (1468) Total Article Views Authors: Zhu LL, Xu LC, Wang HQ, Jin JF, Wang HF, Zhou Q Published Date November 2012 Volume 2012:8 Pages 393 - 401 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S37785 Received: 05 September 2012 Accepted: 17 October 2012 Published: 20 November 2012 Ling-Ling Zhu,1 Ling-Cheng Xu,2 Hui-Qin Wang,3 Jing-Fen Jin,3 Hua-Fen Wang,3 Quan Zhou2 1Cadre Department, 2Department of Pharmacy, 3Division of Nursing, the Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Abstract: A utilization study was performed in a 2200-bed tertiary care teaching hospital. Data mining was performed on all nasogastric medication prescriptions for patients hospitalized in 2011. Nurses were interviewed by questionnaire. A PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle was used for continuous quality improvement. The proportion of patients with nasogastric tubes (NGT) was 3.2%. A large number of medical orders (n 6261) involved nasogastric medications with a package insert particularly noting that they should not be crushed or opened (group 1) or medications without a specific formulation recommendation in the package insert but having evidence discouraging NGT dosing (group 2). Of the nasogastrically administered sustained-release or controlled-release formulations, a sustained-release sodium valproate tablet formulation was the most prescribed drug and a sustained-release 2.5 mg felodipine tablet was prescribed with the highest proportion of NGT dosing [NGT/(NGT oral) 12.3%]. Among the nasogastrically administered enteric-coated formulations, a myrtol-standardized enteric-coated capsule formulation was the most prescribed drug and a pantoprazole tablet formulation was prescribed with the highest proportion of NGT dosing [NGT/(NGT oral) 19.3%]. Proportions of NGT dosing for amiodarone and carbamazepine (group 2) were 4.8% and 6.3%, respectively. The percentage of nurses with adequate knowledge about pharmaceutical dosage formulations was 60%. The rate of answering correctly as to whether medications in group 1 could be crushed or opened was only 30%. Awareness of evidence discouraging NGT dosing of medications in group 2 was zero. Most nurses (90%) left physicians and pharmacists with the entire responsibility for knowledge and decision-making concerning route of drug administration. After a 3-month preliminary intervention, irrational medical orders involving nasogastric administration of medications in group 1 were successfully abolished. The rate of answering correctly as to whether medications in group 1 could be crushed or opened increased to 100%. This utilization study indicates poor awareness concerning nasogastric administration of medication on the part of physicians and nurses, and preliminary intervention measures were efficient in improving knowledge through team cooperation and effort. %K nasogastric tube %K rational drug use %K drug administration routes %K drug absorption %K pharmaceutical preparations %K nursing %U https://www.dovepress.com/appropriateness-of-administration-of-nasogastric-medication-and-prelim-peer-reviewed-article-TCRM