%0 Journal Article %T Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia manifesting as intractable epilepsy in a 23-year-old female %A Raghavan P %A Katz CM %J International Medical Case Reports Journal %D 2012 %I Dove Medical Press %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/IMCRJ.S34079 %X eudohypoparathyroidism type Ia manifesting as intractable epilepsy in a 23-year-old female Case report (1120) Total Article Views Authors: Raghavan P, Katz CM Published Date July 2012 Volume 2012:5 Pages 49 - 54 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/IMCRJ.S34079 Received: 21 May 2012 Accepted: 12 June 2012 Published: 16 July 2012 Pooja Raghavan,1 Charles M Katz2 1Department of Medicine, Mount Carmel Health, Columbus, OH, USA; 2Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mount Carmel Health, Columbus, OH, USA Abstract: Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a rare disorder of calcium metabolism that involves target organ resistance to the action of the parathyroid hormone. As a result, calcium levels may become dangerously low, sometimes leading to seizures and other symptoms. We present a case of a 23-year-old Somalian female on antiepileptic therapy presenting with intractable epilepsy. She was subsequently found to have pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia. She had multiple reasons accounting for loss of seizure control, including worsening hypocalcemia from resistance to the parathyroid hormone; vitamin D deficiency, which could have resulted from lack of exposure to direct sunlight and her antiepileptic medication; and extensive calcium deposition in the brain due to pseudohypoparathyroidism. The patient was stabilized with intravenous therapy and oral calcium, vitamin D, and calcitriol. Her antiepileptic therapy was changed to a medication that did not interfere with vitamin D metabolism or contribute to worsening hypocalcemia. %K calcium %K pseudohypoparathyroidism %K epilepsy %U https://www.dovepress.com/pseudohypoparathyroidism-type-ia-manifesting-as-intractable-epilepsy-i-peer-reviewed-article-IMCRJ