%0 Journal Article %T Pain management with morphine: variation in analgesic response secondary to genetic polymorphisms %A Kapoor S %J Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management %D 2012 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S32184 %X Pain management with morphine: variation in analgesic response secondary to genetic polymorphisms Letter (1947) Total Article Views Authors: Kapoor S Published Date May 2012 Volume 2012:8 Pages 243 - 244 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S32184 Received: 24 March 2012 Accepted: 27 March 2012 Published: 21 May 2012 Shailendra Kapoor Mechanicsville, Richmond, VA, USA The recent article by Villesen et al in a recent issue of your journal was most interesting.1 Recent studies show that the potency of morphine in efficacious pain control may be influenced greatly by polymorphisms of certain genes. View original paper by Villesen and colleagues. Post to: Pain management with morphine: variation in analgesic response secondary to genetic polymorphisms " >Cannotea Citeulike Del.icio.us Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Readers of this article also read: Performance in L1 and L2 observed in Arabic-Hebrew bilingual aphasic following brain tumor: A case constitutes double dissociation Evidence-based decision-making within the context of globalization: A ¡°Why¨CWhat¨CHow¡± for leaders and managers of health care organizations Exacerbation rate, health status and mortality in COPD ¨C a review of potential interventions The cognitive basis of diglossia in Arabic: Evidence from a repetition priming study within and between languages Epigenomics in cancer management Amino acid-responsive Crohn's disease: a case study Long-term treatment of bipolar disorder with a radioelectric asymmetric conveyor Comparison of two treatments for coxarthrosis: local hyperthermia versus radio electric asymmetrical brain stimulation Radio electric asymmetric brain stimulation in the treatment of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer disease Appropriateness of administration of nasogastric medication and preliminary intervention %K Pain management with morphine: variation in analgesic response secondary to genetic polymorphisms Letter (1947) Total Article Views Authors: Kapoor S Published Date May 2012 Volume 2012:8 Pages 243 - 244 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S32184 Received: 24 March 2012 Accepted: 27 March 2012 Published: 21 May 2012 Shailendra Kapoor Mechanicsville %K Richmond %K VA %K USA The recent article by Villesen et al in a recent issue of your journal was most interesting.1 Recent studies show that the potency %U https://www.dovepress.com/pain-management-with-morphine-variation-in-analgesic-response-secondar-peer-reviewed-article-TCRM