%0 Journal Article %T Future of translational research: Why go pragmatic? %A Abdul Rahman Jazieh %J Pragmatic and Observational Research %D 2011 %I Dove Medical Press %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/POR.S15360 %X ture of translational research: Why go pragmatic? Expert Opinion (3015) Total Article Views Authors: Abdul Rahman Jazieh Published Date February 2011 Volume 2011:2 Pages 1 - 4 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/POR.S15360 Abdul Rahman Jazieh King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract: Translational research has succeeded in expanding our medical knowledge and bringing many discoveries to the clinic. However, the prevailing research enterprise is plagued with many challenges that may limit the ability to realize the full potential benefits of these advances. The main challenge of current research approaches is the inability to reach all potential candidates who may benefit from the findings in a timely and systematic way. There are many factors contributing to this limitation, including the differences between the study population and the research setting from larger, more heterogeneous populations in variable health care settings. Understanding the current research limitations may help in developing more practical research interventions that are relevant to real-life patients in real-life settings. The adoption of pragmatic research culture will include designing new and innovative approaches for research projects, maximizing the benefits of the existing research methodologies, and enhancing the research infrastructure. The gap between the discovery and the intended patients should be bridged by pragmatic research approaches that bring a timely and appropriate benefit to those who need it the most. This paper presents the limitations of the current research enterprise and the suggested solutions to adopt more pragmatic approaches. %K translational research %K methodology %K pragmatic research %U https://www.dovepress.com/future-of-translational-research-why-go-pragmatic-peer-reviewed-article-POR