%0 Journal Article %T Wake up to insomnia: future approaches to the management of insomnia %A Mohammad Tahir Hussain %A Steven A. Shea %J Nature and Science of Sleep %D 2011 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NSS.S15647 %X Wake up to insomnia: future approaches to the management of insomnia Editorial (5507) Total Article Views Authors: Mohammad Tahir Hussain, Steven A. Shea Published Date January 2011 Volume 2011:3 Pages 33 - 35 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NSS.S15647 Mohammad Tahir Hussain, Steven A. Shea Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Insomnia is rife. Acutely, almost every individual has experienced a poor nightĄ¯s sleep, and many short-term remedies for insomnia are tried, including over-the-counter sleep aids and alcohol. Chronic insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, affecting nearly 40 million Americans and accounting for nearly one-third of adults. The annual cost associated with this disorder in the US is estimated at over $15 billion and over $100 billion for indirect costs, such as costs of self-medication, health care-related costs due to exacerbations of comorbid conditions, and costs of reduced productivity. Post to: Cannotea Citeulike Del.icio.us Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Other articles by Dr Steven Shea The nature of sleep examined via the science of sleep Readers of this article also read: Role of aliskiren in cardio-renal protection and use in hypertensives with multiple risk factors Tackling sleeplessness: Psychological treatment options for insomnia Tackling sleeplessness: psychological treatment options for insomnia in older adults Management of insomnia: update and new approaches The nature of sleep examined via the science of sleep Behavioral treatment of insomnia: a proposal for a stepped-care approach to promote public health Impact of lifestyle and technology developments on sleep Sleep patterns and the risk for ADHD: a review Longitudinal study of self-awakening and sleep/wake habits in adolescents The periodicity of sleep duration ¨C an infradian rhythm in spontaneous living %K Wake up to insomnia: future approaches to the management of insomnia Editorial (5507) Total Article Views Authors: Mohammad Tahir Hussain %K Steven A. Shea Published Date January 2011 Volume 2011:3 Pages 33 - 35 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NSS.S15647 Mohammad Tahir Hussain %K Steven A. Shea Division of Sleep Medicine %K Harvard Medical School %K Brigham and Women's Hospital %K Boston %K MA %K USA Insomnia is rife. Acutely %K almost every individual has experienced a poor nightĄ¯s sleep %K and many short-term re %U https://www.dovepress.com/wake-up-to-insomnia-future-approaches-to-the-management-of-insomnia-peer-reviewed-article-NSS