%0 Journal Article %T Peritopic anesthesia: a new alternative in cataract surgery %A Abreu JA %A Abreu R %A Cordov¨¦s LM %A Aguilar JJ %J Clinical Ophthalmology %D 2013 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S43231 %X Peritopic anesthesia: a new alternative in cataract surgery Letter (316) Total Article Views Authors: Abreu JA, Abreu R, Cordov¨¦s LM, Aguilar JJ Published Date March 2013 Volume 2013:7 Pages 555 - 556 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S43231 Received: 02 February 2013 Accepted: 05 February 2013 Published: 15 March 2013 Jos¨¦ A Abreu,1 Rodrigo Abreu,2 Luis M Cordov¨¦s,1 Jos¨¦ J Aguilar1 1Ophthalmology Department, University Hospital of the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain; 2Ophthalmology Department, University Hospital of La Candelaria, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain We read with interest the recently published article "Superior subconjunctival anesthesia versus retrobulbar anesthesia for manual small-incision cataract surgery in a residency training program: a randomized controlled trial" by Pipat Kongsap,1 where the author studied possible differences in the clinical outcomes of superior subconjunctival anesthesia and retrobulbar anesthesia, in a residency training program. View original paper by Kongsap. Post to: Cannotea Citeulike Del.icio.us Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Readers of this article also read: Imaging of cervicothoracic junction trauma Accelerated ischemic vascular retinopathy after intravitreally injected bevacizumab for central retinal vein occlusion in elderly patients Single and multiple injections of subconjunctival ranibizumab for early, recurrent pterygium Orbital apex syndrome associated with fractures of the inferomedial orbital wall Traumatic ruptured globe eye injuries in a large urban center Fibrin glue for Gundersen flap surgery Comparative effectiveness of aflibercept for the treatment of patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration Opaque intraocular lens implantation %K Peritopic anesthesia: a new alternative in cataract surgery Letter (316) Total Article Views Authors: Abreu JA %K Abreu R %K Cordov¨¦s LM %K Aguilar JJ Published Date March 2013 Volume 2013:7 Pages 555 - 556 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S43231 Received: 02 February 2013 Accepted: 05 February 2013 Published: 15 March 2013 Jos¨¦ A Abreu %K 1 Rodrigo Abreu %K 2 Luis M Cordov¨¦s %K 1 Jos¨¦ J Aguilar1 1Ophthalmology Department %K University Hospital of the Canary Islands %K Tenerife %K Canary Islands %K Spain %K 2Ophthalm %U https://www.dovepress.com/peritopic-anesthesia-a-new-alternative-in-cataract-surgery-peer-reviewed-article-OPTH