%0 Journal Article %T The role of Scheimpflug imaging in the management of posterior scleritis %A Natalia Pawlowska %A Jonathan Luck %J Eye and Brain %D 2010 %I %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/EB.S9897 %X ole of Scheimpflug imaging in the management of posterior scleritis Case report (3317) Total Article Views Authors: Natalia Pawlowska, Jonathan Luck Published Date May 2010 Volume 2010:2 Pages 43 - 46 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/EB.S9897 Natalia Pawlowska, Jonathan Luck Department of Ophthalmology, The Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK Abstract: Posterior scleritis is a rare but sight-threatening ocular inflammatory disorder that can present in a number of different ways and sometimes silently. Diagnosis can be difficult, and usually is clinical, confirmed by B-mode ultrasonography. Patients can be at risk of angleclosure glaucoma in this condition, and traditional methods of angle assessment can be subjective and difficult to perform in the inflamed eye. We present a case of posterior scleritis where management was aided by the use of a Scheimpflug imaging device. %K posterior scleritis %K Scheimpflug %K Pentacam %U https://www.dovepress.com/the-role-of-scheimpflug-imaging-in-the-management-of-posterior-sclerit-peer-reviewed-article-EB