%0 Journal Article %T Observation of Conductivity Type Change in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Metal/Semiconductor Devices %J American Journal of Materials Science %@ 2162-8424 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.materials.20120206.08 %X Metal/Semiconductor (n-type & p-type) devices were irradiated with Au(7+) and Si(8+) ions of energy ~100MeV with different fluencies (1010 ¨C 1013 ions/cm2). Electronic properties have been studied from I-V and C-V characteristics of the devices before and after the irradiation. Hydrogenation of the irradiated devices has also been performed to investigate the hydrogen passivation effect of the irradiation induced defects. The devices were annealed upto 400C and Infrared spectroscopic studies have been carried out at each annealing temperatures to study the nature of irradiation induced defects. The result has been discussed in the realm of radiation hardness and the conductivity type change of the irradiated electronic devices. %K Swift Heavy Ions %K Radiation Induced Defects %K Hydrogenation %K Carrier Removal %K Carrier Compensation %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.materials.20120206.08.html