%0 Journal Article %T Scanning of Magnetic Properties in Precambrian Basement Mapping %J Geosciences %@ 2163-1719 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.geo.20120203.01 %X In this work, the new magnetometric method of investigations of Precambrian rocks ¨C Method of Magnetic Scanning MS is proposed. MS it is a complex petro-magnetic method of detail investigation of rocks exposures. It is the combination of field and laboratory measurements, theoretical and a priori data. Introduction of joint scanning of §´ and speed low-cost detailisation of ˇ°in-fieldˇ± investigations does possible to use a magnetic field data not as a source of anomalies, and as a way of studying of all geological environment As an example, we will present results of researches of one exposure of Ukraine shield in Soutern Bough River. The practice result of a new Method consist in her ability to exacting and addition of magnetic-field and geologic magnetic-differentiates maps. %K Magnetic Susceptibility %K Remanent Magnetization %K Magnetic Field %K Factor of Kenigsberger %K Amphibolites Complex %K Granolithic Complex %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.geo.20120203.01.html