%0 Journal Article %T Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements on Fly Ash Admixtured Cement Hydrated with Groundwater and Seawater %J American Journal of Materials Science %@ 2162-8424 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.materials.20120201.06 %X The present works reports the effect of Flyash on the properties of Portland cement hydrated with ground water and seawater through magnetic susceptibility study. Cement pastes containing 0, 10, 20, 30% replacement of flyash with cement and in a Water cement ratio (W/C) ratio of 0.4 have been prepared. The magnetic susceptibility at different hydration ages has been determined by Faraday Curie balance method and this has been correlated to changes in setting time and compressive strength measurement. The observed result shows that, irrespective of water the magnetic susceptibility increases with increasing flyash percentage replacement level in cement. %K Magnetic susceptibility %K Cement %K Fly ash %K Setting time %K Seawater %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.materials.20120201.06.html