%0 Journal Article %T Central Field in Rotating Spherical Space in 5D %J Frontiers in Science %@ 2166-6113 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.fs.20120206.05 %X A time-like geodesic motion in rotating 5D space is studied in framework of Kaluza-Klein theory and astrophysical applications are proposed. For example of such space-time in 4D spherical coordinates with the space-like fifth dimension a transition to the cylindrical frame is implemented. After this transformation a space is divided into two parts that is interpreted physically as pair of the universe and anti-universe. The rotation in 5D space-time exhibits itself in 4D as action of extra force, which reveals itself with observed radial motion of the material particle. Also it is considered similar (3+2)D space-time in which additional dimension is time-like and a motion of space is hyperbolic. For these space-times it is found geodesics with constant radius in 4D spherical coordinates and studied their small deviations in cylindrical frames. It is shown that model with space-like fifth coordinate conforms to the basic properties of the Pioneer-effect, namely, a) constant additional acceleration of apparatus on distance from 20 to 50 a.e., b) its increase from 5 to 20 a.e., c) observed absence of one in motion of planets. %K Time-Like Geodesics %K Kaluza-Klein Theory %K Pioneer-Effect %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.fs.20120206.05.html