%0 Journal Article %T Dependence of Tokamak Plasma Position to its Internal Inductance %J Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics %@ 2167-6909 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.jnpp.20120204.03 %X In this contribution we will presented comparison of two techniques in order to investigate of the effects of internal inductance on tokamak plasma position, based on a toroidal flux loop (diamagnetic loop) and magnetic probes measurements. For this purpose, a diamagnetic loop with its compensation coil, and also array of magnetic probes were designed, constructed, and installed on outer surface of the IR-T1 tokamak chamber, and then the poloidal beta and poloidal and radial magnetic fields obtained. Moreover a few approximate values of the internal inductance for different possible profiles of the plasma current density are also calculated. Then, the Shafranov parameter and also the Shafranov shift were determined. Experimental results compared. Comparison of results on IR-T1, show that (1) by increasing the internal inductance from one, plasma column shifted inward, and also (2) IR-T1 plasma current density profile relate to the power of approximately. %K Tokamak %K Plasma Position %K Plasma Internal Inductance %K Diamagnetic Loop %K Magnetic Probe %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.jnpp.20120204.03.html