%0 Journal Article %T Applying BCO Algorithm to Solve the Optimal DG Placement and Sizing Problem %J Electrical and Electronic Engineering %@ 2162-8459 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.eee.20120202.06 %X In this paper, the problem of DG placement and sizing for loss reduction and line capacity improvement has been considered and evaluated. In order to solve the optimization problem, authors are using the novel and heuristic BCO algorithm. This algorithm is inspired of the intelligent behaviour of bees during the nectar search process. Finally, the results of applying the Bee Colony Optimization algorithm for DG placement and sizing in IEEE 33 nodes test network are shown. %K Bee Colony Optimization %K Placement %K Distributed Generation %K Loss Reduction %K Line Capacity Improvement %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.eee.20120202.06.html