%0 Journal Article %T Squeezed Carrier Interferogram for Wavelet Phase Recovery %J International Journal of Optics and Applications %@ 2168-5061 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.optics.20120204.02 %X The purpose of the present work is the use of the Phase evaluation CWT algorithm to extract the phase from squeezing interferogram. The squeezing interferometry technique generates a spatial carrier interferogram named squeezed interferogram by numerical combination of M shifted fringes patterns. The M shifted fringes patterns are digitally generated from combination of two ¦Ð/2 shifted fringe patterns. From squeezed interferogram the phase is extracted in wavelet domain using CWT algorithm which leads directly to the phase distribution without the complex step of phase unwrapping. Simulated fringe pattern are used to test our technique and real fringe pattern are used to improve the accuracy of this technique. %K Optical Phase Interferometry %K Squeezing Interferometry %K Phase Evaluation Algorithm %K CWT Wavelet Transform %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.optics.20120204.02.html