%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of Beam Performance Parameters in a Pierce-Type Electron Gun %J Science and Technology %@ 2163-2677 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.scit.20120206.08 %X In the present work, an investigation has been made for the extraction characteristics and beam diagnosis for a Pierce-type electron gun with spherical anode to acquire an electron beam suitable for different applications. The acceleration voltage increases the electron beam currents up to 250 mA at Acceleration voltage 75kV and decreases the beam perveance, beam waist and beam emittance. The minimum beam radius could be found at the minimum beam perveance and maximum convergence angle. Also the increase of the accelerating voltage affects the increase of the beam fluence rate up to 1.3 x 1018 e/min.cm2, due to the increase of the extracted current. Tracing the electron beam profile by X-Y probe scanner along the beam line at two different places reveals that the spherical anode affects the beam to be convergent. The electron beam could be suited for the two suggested experiments in our lab, plasma acceleration and surface modifications of polymers. %K Electron Gun %K Beam Geometry %K Perveance %K Emittance %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.scit.20120206.08.html