%0 Journal Article %T Impact of ¡®Fadama II Project¡¯ on Feed, Food and Poverty in Imo State, Nigeria %J International Journal of Applied Sociology %@ 2169-9739 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.ijas.20120203.03 %X ¡®Fadama Project¡¯ is a World Bank assisted program at the grassroots in Nigeria with the University as one of the collaborators. The bulk of the fund came from the World Bank while Federal government secured the loan and State paid counterpart fund and local government paid a token for their benefiting community. The community assessed the loan as cooperatives. Money invested is expected to bring return on investment after a gestation period. Disbursement was in stages tied to payment of counterpart fund, physical structures constructed and an audited account of the previous amount extended. Irrigation ensured pasture and farming all year round which provided food (man), feed (animals) and raw materials (industries). The program created employment and reduced poverty. Storage facilities (silos) and cold rooms were constructed by communities. The projects were owned and managed by the participating communities giving room for sustainability. New and modern farming techniques passed down were accepted. In the past this failed because the farmer was not involved from onset. The farmer due to lack of capital and reluctant to accept new ideas for enhanced production had remained on subsistence. %K Keywords Fund %K Food %K Feed %K Poverty Reduction and Employment %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.ijas.20120203.03.html