%0 Journal Article %T Tree-ring¨Cbased summer mean temperature variations in the Adamello¨CPresanella Group (Italian Central Alps), 1610¨C2008 AD %A A. Coppola %A G. Leonelli %A M. C. Salvatore %A M. Pelfini %A C. Baroni %J Climate of the Past (CP) & Discussions (CPD) %D 2013 %I Copernicus Publications %X Climate records from remote mountain sites and for century-long periods are usually lacking for most continents and also for the European Alps. However, detailed reconstructions of climate parameters for pre-instrumental periods in mountain areas, suffering of glacial retreat caused by recent global warming, are needed in the view of a better comprehension of the environmental dynamics. We present here the first annually-resolved reconstruction of summer (JJA) mean temperature for the Adamello¨CPresanella Group (Central European Alps), one of the most glaciated mountain groups of the Italian Central Alps. The reconstruction has been based on four larch tree-ring width chronologies derived from living trees sampled in four valleys surrounding the Group. The reconstruction spans from 1610 to 2008 and the statistical verification of the reconstruction demonstrates the positive skill of the tree-ring dataset in tracking summer temperature variability also in the recent period. %U http://www.clim-past.net/9/211/2013/cp-9-211-2013.html