%0 Journal Article %T Multi-phase tectonic structures in the collision zone of the Kolyma-Omolon microcontinent and the eastern margin of the North Asian craton, Northeastern Russia %A H.-J. Paech %J Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series (SMSPS) %D 2009 %I %R 10.5194/smsps-4-85-2009 %X Outcrops along the Inach River in the Uyandina basin and those along the Myatis' River in the Indigirka-Zyryanka basin were studied in detail and sampled for coal rank determinations. The Uyandina basin is an intramontane pull-apart basin characterized by extensional structures within the Moma rift system. The coal rank is below 0.3% vitrinite reflectance (Rr), which indicates shallow, immature conditions of basin formation and very low subsidence. The Myatis' River coal-bearing outcrops in the Indigirka-Zyryanka basin reveal compression induced by continent collision. The compressive deformation includes also lowermost Pliocene strata. Due to the position in the Verkhoyansk-Chersky fold belt adjacent to the Kolyma-Omolon microcontinent the Indigirka-Zyryanka basin has much in common with a foredeep, i.e. the asymmetry in thickness and tectonic structure. The vitrinite reflectance data (Rr) which range from 0.25% to more than 5% reinforce the accepted models that describe basin subsidence and geothermal history and the tectonic deformation. %U http://www.stephan-mueller-spec-publ-ser.net/4/85/2009/smsps-4-85-2009.html