%0 Journal Article %T Mathenge (Prosopis juliflora): An Underutilized Livestock Feed Resource in Kenya %A A.M. King`ori %A J.A. Odero-Waitituh %A A.Y. Guliye %J Research Journal of Animal Sciences %D 2012 %I %R 10.3923/rjnasci.2011.43.51 %X Prosopis juliflora is an invasive multipurpose dry land tree or shrub native to South America, Central America and the Caribbean. It was introduced to Eastern Africa in the 1970s through collaborative projects involving local governments and outside agencies. Prosopis species grow in arrays of environments and are not restricted by soil type, pH, salinity or fertility and are therefore used as rehabilitation of deserts and saline lands for shelter belts and sand dune stabilization. The use of agricultural and agro-industrial by products for livestock feed formulation results in fluctuation in quantity, quality and prices of the manufactured feeds. There has been much interest over recent years to explore alternative feedstuffs because of rising costs for conventional feed ingredients. The large resources of non-conventional agro-forestry trees are not efficiently utilized due to lack of information of their nutritive value and levels of inclusion in feeds. Among the non-conventional agro forestry feed resources is Prosopis juliflora. Prosopis pods are high in sugar and protein content and are a rich food source for livestock like sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and poultry. Rations containing prosopis pods have been recommended for lactating animals and have been said to increase milk production with increasing proportion of pod flour. No effects on milk flavour were noted at <50% pods in the ration, though as a sole feed some taste change has been reported. Faster growth rates on animals fed prosopis pods have been reported. In Brazil, P. juliflora bran (whole pod) replaced 100% wheat flour in chicken diets. The replacement of up to 35% of maize by prosopis flour in lactating sow rations in the North-East of Brazil has been reported. A maximum inclusion level of 20% prosopis pods in broiler, layer and fish diets has been reported. In Kenya, indigenous knowledge of prosopis management has lacked in the areas where it was introduced and spread and it has remained under-utilized and unmanaged. The local people were not advised on the management practices to fully exploit prosopis. In the countries where prosopis was introduced from, there are natural forests or plantations which harnessed for timber, charcoal, honey, gums, human and animal feeds. Similar benefits can be reaped by the Kenyan communities in the ASALs with prosopis. Therefore, technologies and management strategies for sustainable utilization of prosopis should be developed and employed. This will lead to economic empowerment and income diversification of these communities. %U http://www.medwellonline.net/abstract/?doi=rjnasci.2011.43.51