%0 Journal Article %T The Transition from Neural Bursting Lying in A Period Adding Bifurcation Scenario to Spiking Rhythm
神经放电节律加周期分岔序列中的簇放电到峰放电的转迁 %A ZHAO Xiaoyan %A SONG Shaoli %A WEI Chunling %A GU Huaguang %A REN WeiCollege of Life Science %A Shaanxi Normal University %A Xi %A 'an %A China %A
赵小燕 %A 宋绍丽 %A 魏春玲 %A 古华光 %A 任维 %J 生物物理学报 %D 2010 %I %X The bifurcation scenario of period adding bifurcation scenarios with stochastic bursting from period 1 bursting to high order bursting firstly, and then to spiking pattern via crisis was discovered in the experimental neural pacemaker when extracellular Ca2+] was decreased gradually. The quiescence of the bursting pattern disappeared and the firing pattern was changed into chaotic and periodic spiking patterns when crisis was generated. The bifurcation scenario was simulated by adjusting the relevant parameters in stochastic Chay model. The experimental results not only verified the previous theoretical anticipation in the deterministic mathematic model and were simulated by the stochastic theoretical model, but also revealed a kind of firing pattern transition regularity. %K Neural firing %K Bursting %K Spiking %K Period adding bifurcation %K Crisis
神经放电 %K 簇放电 %K 峰放电 %K 加周期分岔 %K 激变 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=90BA3D13E7F3BC869AC96FB3DA594E3FE34FBF7B8BC0E591&jid=E0C9D9BBED813D6674AC13E942EAC86D&aid=2FE052713964C4B9D6A6D635C8D977AF&yid=140ECF96957D60B2&vid=96C778EE049EE47D&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=1D0FA33DA02ABACD&eid=AA76E167F386B6B3&journal_id=1000-6737&journal_name=生物物理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0