%0 Journal Article %T Current Progress in Atmospheric Environmental Toxicology in China
我国大气环境毒理学研究新进展 %A Cheng Gang %A Wang Zijian %A
李君灵 %A 孟紫强 %J 生态毒理学报 %D 2012 %I %X Toxicological effects and mechanisms of important pollutants in the atmospheric environment are reviewed.Firstly,the studies on toxicological effects and mechanisms of fine particles (PM2.5) and nanometer particles on respiratory and cardiovascular systems are summarized.Secondly,the investigations on effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2) on gene expressions and physiological roles of endogenous SO2 are commented.It is proposed that SO2 is a systemic toxin and a new type-gas transmitter.Thirdly,the molecular carcinogenesis mechanisms of carcinogens in the atmospheric environment,especially benzopyrene,are discussed.Fourthly,toxic effects of atmospheric ozone and photochemical smog on health are summerized.Finally,the up to date studies on toxic effects and mechanisms of indoor air pollutants,especially formaldehyde,are commented. %K atmospheric environmental toxicology %K fine particles %K sulfur dioxide %K carcinogen %K ozone %K formaldehyde
大气环境毒理学 %K 细颗粒物 %K 二氧化硫 %K 致癌物 %K 臭氧 %K 甲醛 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=3FF3ABA7486768130C3FF830376F43B398E0C97F0FF2DD53&cid=BEC1F4700DD66C14D137590A0896A0AD&jid=B98D390DF92C35E6DD1987675E4EE86E&aid=888E85097C30A50D04C8C9478D6F29A7&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=DF92D298D3FF1E6E&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=76B5E24D6EC46B4B&eid=A8DE7703CC9E390F&journal_id=1673-5897&journal_name=生态毒理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0