%0 Journal Article %T PFOA-Induced Developmental Toxicity, Behavior Change and DNA Damage in Zebrafish Embryos
PFOA对斑马鱼胚胎发育、行为和DNA损伤的毒性研究 %A Cui Yan %A Bai Chenglian %A Xu Tao %A Wang Xiaotong %A Chen Yuanhong %A Jin Daqing %A
崔燕 %A 白承连 %A 徐涛 %A 王晓彤 %A 陈元红 %A 靳大庆 %J 生态毒理学报 %D 2012 %I %X Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is an environmentally widespread and persistent chemical, which has been detected in various wildlife species and humans. The developmental toxicity of PFOA has not been well understood, and PFOA toxicity is shown to be species- and sex-dependent. Therefore, it is important to conduct studies on multiple species to better elucidate the mechanisms of PFOA-induced toxicity. Zebrafish, a well-established vertebrate model, was selected, and the impact of PFOA exposure on spontaneous movement, heart rate, swimming behavior, malformation, cellular apoptosis and DNA damage of zebrafish embryos was determined using various experimental approaches in this study. Results showed that exposure to PFOA from 6 hpf led to altered spontaneous movement and decreased heart rate in zebrafish with a dose-dependent manner. Cellular death was induced by high-concentration PFOA exposure (>414.0 mg·L-1) from 6 to 24 hpf, as apoptotic cells were detected in the eye, head, heart and tail regions. The light stimulation test indicated that behavioral responses of zebrafish larvae were altered by PFOA exposure at 165.6 mg·L-1, but not at lower concentrations. Meanwhile, DNA damage was detected in zebrafish embryos following exposure to PFOA with a dose-dependent manner, suggesting a genotoxic effect of PFOA. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that PFOA-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos was characterized by altered spontaneous movements and behavioral responses, reduced heart rates, occurrence of malformations as well as increased cellular death and DNA damage. %K PFOA %K zebrafish embryo %K developmental toxicity %K behavioral responses %K DNA damage
全氟辛酸(PFOA) %K 斑马鱼胚胎 %K 发育毒性 %K 行为反应 %K DNA损伤 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=3FF3ABA7486768130C3FF830376F43B398E0C97F0FF2DD53&cid=BEC1F4700DD66C14D137590A0896A0AD&jid=B98D390DF92C35E6DD1987675E4EE86E&aid=0B7F1007E8CE29E0448CFD6BBD4E96E9&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=DF92D298D3FF1E6E&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=6A73B36E85DB0CE9&eid=1D01216AD76577EC&journal_id=1673-5897&journal_name=生态毒理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0