%0 Journal Article %T Micro-relief characteristics of loess sloping farmland under different tillage practices and its effects of soil and water conservation
黄土坡耕地耕作方式不同时微地形分布特征及水土保持效应 %A Zhao Longshan %A Song Xiangyang %A Liang Xinlan %A Zhang Qingfeng %A Wu Faqi %A
赵龙山 %A 宋向阳 %A 梁心蓝 %A 张青峰 %A 吴发启 %J 中国水土保持科学 %D 2011 %I %X The spatial distribution of micro-topographical features of loess sloping farmland and its effects of soil and water conservation were studied using GIS under simulated rainfall conditions.The results showed that the descending order of the changes of micro-relief is contour tillage,artifical dig,artifical hoe,and CK,and the mean changes of different type of tillages(CK,artifical hoe,artifical dig and contour tillage) decreased as 0.015,0.014,0.018 and 0.015m after simulated rainfall conditions,respectively... %K tillage practices %K simulated rainfall %K soil surface roughness %K Loess
耕作措施 %K 人工降雨 %K 地表糙度 %K 黄土 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=03F54A49DE00578AA0E5DDF5BC021AA7&cid=1A8B5357F0EF07B8&jid=398B0FB53574B6499B323155BEA84161&aid=7DD54070A8245FEAE41C17F1D4B14A26&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=9CF7A0430CBB2DFD&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=0401E2DB1F51F8DE&eid=09ABD5535D9B6D45&journal_id=1672-3007&journal_name=中国水土保持科学&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0