%0 Journal Article %T Distribution characteristics of rural road in the Loess Hilly Plateau:A case study of Yangou Watershed
黄土丘陵区农村道路的布局特征分析——以燕沟流域为例 %A Xu Xuexuan %A Li Bo %A Zheng Shiqing %A Li Xing %A
徐学选 %A 李波 %A 郑世清 %A 李星 %J 中国水土保持科学 %D 2011 %I %X Rural road takes charge of the dual tasks including rural agricultural production and associated socio-economic activities.Therefore,rational allocation of road density could promote rural economy,and reduce soil erosion too.Yangou Watershed had been taken as a case to study the rural road density,and related factors for the Loess Plateau region.By using ArcGIS software and other statistical ways,factors such as the land use types,distance from village,and village position in the watershed had been analyzed... %K rural road %K land use type %K road density %K Loess Hilly Region
农村道路 %K 土地利用类型 %K 道路密度 %K 黄土丘陵区 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=03F54A49DE00578AA0E5DDF5BC021AA7&cid=1A8B5357F0EF07B8&jid=398B0FB53574B6499B323155BEA84161&aid=7DD54070A8245FEAF0D0FA40A1DE52BF&yid=9377ED8094509821&vid=9CF7A0430CBB2DFD&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=4BB057F167CF3A60&eid=EDA22B444205D04A&journal_id=1672-3007&journal_name=中国水土保持科学&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0