%0 Journal Article %T Characteristics of Community Structure of Zooplankter in Autumn at Estuary of Dadu River
大渡河河口秋季浮游动物的群落结构特征 %A FANG Yan-hong %A HUANG Dao-ming %A WANG Wen-jun %A ZHAO Sha-sha %A JIAN Dong %A XIE Shan %A ZHANG Qing %A
方艳红 %A 黄道明 %A 王文君 %A 赵莎莎 %A 简东 %A 谢山 %A 张庆 %J 水生态学杂志 %D 2012 %I %X In September 2010,the investigation on community structure of zooplankter was carried out in the main stem and left branch of Dadu River,Emei River,and Qingyi River.The study found out 165 categories of 92 genera of zooplankter.The average density and average biomass of the zooplankter were 376.19 ind./L and 0.0604 mg /L respectively.In terms of the density,biomass and characteristics of community structure in different water areas,the results showed that Emei River > Qingyi River > left branch of Dadu River > main stem of Dadu River and there was a low similarity among the categories of zooplankter in different water areas.The cluster analysis indicated that 31 sampling stations of the Dadu River Estuary were grouped into three categories,including the main stem and left branch river of Dadu River,Qingyi River,Emei River.The relevance between the water environment and characteristics of community structure of zooplankter was analyzed,which concluded that temperature was an important influencing factor.Zooplankter,playing a critical role in the material circulation and energy flow in the water ecological environment,is an important component of aquatic organism in rivers and a vital assessing indicator for river ecological restoration. %K estuary of Dadu River %K zooplankter %K community structure
大渡河河口 %K 浮游动物 %K 群落结构 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=03F54A49DE00578AA0E5DDF5BC021AA7&cid=A129AB11A5573C59&jid=AD42C12863085B5F664F8056EF6D57C2&aid=BC10CD3F59E055E289913EABD62A061A&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=27746BCEEE58E9DC&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=339D79302DF62549&eid=1371F55DA51B6E64&journal_id=1674-3075&journal_name=水生态学杂志&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0