%0 Journal Article %T Numerical Computation of Eigenvalues of Self-adjoint Differential Operators by Using the Method of Separating Eigen-parameter
自共轭常微分算子特征值的一种基于分离特征参数的数值解法 %A CHEN Jin-She %A SUN Jiong %A
陈金设 %A 孙炯 %J 数学物理学报(A辑) %D 2012 %I %X In this paper, a power series representation in λ and its method to solve for the general solution of eigen-equation ly(x, λ) = λy(x, λ) are discovered. Then, a new numerical method to get eigenvalues of self-adjoint ordinary di?erential operators is obtained. Also the analysis of stability and error for the algorithm are given. At last, the numerical examples are presented to verify the effciency of the method. %K Ordinary differential operatorszz %K Eigenvalueszz %K Numerical computationzz %K Separating eigen-parameterzz %K Eigen-determinantzz
常微分算子 %K 特征值 %K 数值计算 %K 分离特征参数 %K 特征行列式 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=6E709DC38FA1D09A4B578DD0906875B5B44D4D294832BB8E&cid=37F46C35E03B4B86&jid=4DB553CDB5F521D8C921082E5C95EC80&aid=46DBF3E8FC2736F0EE56A6548DB81DE3&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=9971A5E270697F23&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=E514EE58E0E50ECF&eid=5D71B28100102720&journal_id=1003-3998&journal_name=数学物理学报(A辑)&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0