%0 Journal Article %T Effects of different fertilization treatments on yields and nitrogen utilization of winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in region along Huai River
不同施肥措施对沿淮区麦-玉周年产量及氮素利用的影响 %A ZHENG Xue-bo %A ZHOU Jing %A CUI Jian %A MA Chao %A FANG Chun-xing %A
郑学博 %A 周 静 %A 崔 键 %A 马 超 %A 房春兴 %J 土壤 %D 2012 %I %X Field experiments were conducted to study the influence of different fertilization treatments on winter wheat-summer maize rotation system anniversary yields and nitrogen utilization along Huai River areas in 2009.10 - 2010.10. The selected treatments were conventional fertilization condition (CG), the recommend fertilization condition (TJ), straw plus the recommend fertilization condition (JTJ), the control fertilization plus the recommend fertilization condition (KTJ), coal fly ash plus the recommend fertilization condition (FTJ). The results showed that the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system anniversary yields were the highest under JTJ treatment, followed by FTJ treatment. Compared with CG treatment, the anniversary yields of the JTJ and FTJ treatments were increased by 12.5% and 7.7% respectively. N accumulation amount(NAA), N use efficiency (NUE) and N uptake efficiency (NUPE) were the highest under FTJ treatment in winter wheat, which were 180.0 kg/hm2, 42.1% and 0.80 kg/kg; NAA, NUE, NUPE were the highest under JTJ treatment in summer maize, which were 176.5 kg/hm2, 38.3% and 0.65 kg/kg. Under the experimental conditions, FTJ and JTJ treatments were favorable to the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system anniversary yields and nitrogen utilization in Huai River areas, but JTJ treatment was more favorable in the long run. %K Fertilization treatments %K Region along Huai River %K Winter wheat-summer maize rotation system %K Anniversary yields %K Nitrogen utilization
施肥措施 %K 沿淮地区 %K 麦-玉轮作 %K 周年产量 %K 氮素利用 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=03F54A49DE00578AA0E5DDF5BC021AA7&cid=1A8B5357F0EF07B8&jid=56F69E970C6E5190CDB409D28DD0E3C6&aid=70EE40F199187577432981497C344BCA&yid=99E9153A83D4CB11&vid=1AE5323881A5ECDC&iid=38B194292C032A66&sid=EE23223CE4332BD7&eid=8CCD0401CC9AE432&journal_id=0253-9829&journal_name=土壤&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0